Technology Designed with Convenience in Mind

One platform. Information for all.

On our secure, internally developed online portal, participants and clients can view real-time report updates on web or mobile devices. To ensure continuity of care, participants can even share screening results electronically with their providers.

Clients Can

Participants Can

Vendor Integration

Whether you manage 20 employees or millions, our proprietary software system provides seamless information sharing with your existing benefits strategy or wellness platform.


  • Single sign-on connection
  • Co-branding or white labeling
  • Secure data transfer
  • Automated data export
Biometric screening participant viewing their screening results on a laptop.

Tablet-based Technology

Using our HIPAA compliant, proprietary encrypted biometric information transfer system (e.b.i.t.), we’re able to provide quantifiable data quickly and efficiently, in real-time.

Make the most of your benefits strategy.