What Participants Can Expect
Simple Steps for a Successful Health Screening:

You will receive a link to sign up and schedule a biometric health screening appointment via a secure online registration portal or through our telephonic scheduling tool.
After scheduling your appointment, you will receive instructions on how to prepare for the biometric screening. If the screening requires fasting prior to testing, it is important to follow the fasting instructions as strictly as possible to ensure accurate measurements at the event.

The day of the event, our team of screening professionals will be set up in a predetermined area at your location.
Our most common measures are:
- Recording your height, weight, and waist measurements
- Taking your blood pressure
- Taking a blood sample either by finger stick (pricking the tip of the finger) or venipuncture (typically drawn from a prominent arm vein)

Personalized results are available immediately for onsite finger stick screenings with accessibility to an online results portal for all testing methodologies and modalities within 2-5 business days. eHealthScreenings offers:
- Online reporting pages
- Risk stratification reports
- Animated educational videos
- National and internal comparison charts
- Online results dashboards
- Yearly tracking
- And much more
What's Next?
Directly through our portal, you can share your results with your provider, who will know what to look for in your biometric health screening to work on possible paths to improved health.
After a screening, you have access to a variety of educational videos on our online results portal. There are a variety of resources to help you understand your results, suggestions to improve your wellbeing and ways to address any potential issues that were identified. You have the power to change your path!