Health Screening Insights

Making Heart-Healthy Choices Beyond American Heart Month

February is known as the month of love. But forget about romance and chocolates, let’s talk about hearts – specifically heart health and the importance of taking care of this vital organ. We only have one heart, and it deserves all our love and care. Every February, Americans observe American Heart Month, an annual initiative organized by the American Heart Association…

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The Connection Between Biometric Health Screenings and Physicals

Most of us are familiar with the concept of an annual physical: You schedule time with your primary care provider once per year to get an evaluation of your health, update your prescriptions (as applicable), and discuss potential lifestyle changes that could benefit your overall health and wellness. However, when it comes to adding a biometric health screening…

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Blood Work 101: The Power of the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Blood can do a lot: it can make people squeamish, save lives, fight against infections, provide valuable insight into your health, and help medical professionals diagnose, monitor, and prevent various conditions. Whether you’re queasy at the sight of it or simply fascinated by its power, blood holds the keys to understanding and…

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The Importance of Critical Value Outreach

Many of us are familiar with the routine tests that help us keep track of our health, from blood pressure measurements to blood work. Typically, the tests are done in our provider’s office or at a biometric screenings event, and we receive a follow-up from our provider or the screening organization a few days later. However, sometimes during the course of regular tests, it…

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Man Checking His Glucose Levels

Understanding the Difference Between HbA1c and Blood Glucose

Back in the Middle Ages, doctors used a method called uroscopy—diagnosing illnesses by tasting urine. Surprisingly, they actually got one right: diabetes, thanks to the sweet taste. By the 18th and 19th centuries, ants took over the role of diagnosis, being drawn to the sugar in urine—a telltale sign of the condition we now recognize as diabetes. We’ve come a long way…

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Female nurse standing in doctor's office with her arms crossed

The Importance of Routine Health Screenings at Every Life Stage

According to the National Cancer Institute, 23% of women in the United States are overdue for cervical cancer screenings, and 24% are not getting breast cancer screenings. For men, prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in 112 countries. If early detection is so critical, why do so many people skip these essential screenings? Routine health…

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